Multi Dimensional Soul Journey Progression
This Multi-Dimensional Soul Journey Progression process was created by Rebecca Geracitano, Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist to further assist individuals on their path to wholeness.
The Multi Dimensional Soul Journey offers the potential to experience fuller possibilities of your Higher Self integrating more fully with your “True Self”. Your “True Self” is the total you, that at the same time is aware of all your human aspects and higher self and wisdom.
In this high frequency session, you are guided into a “future you” or “future life”, finding a greater possibility of illuminating and identifying your unique talents to be used for the betterment of your current life and therefore the good of all humanity. Whatever we do in life ultimately affects the whole.
When we strive to move into a higher frequency of “good for all”, we then create the shift into 5D and live our lives with more unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance. Perhaps then we can truly create an earth and society of peace and inclusivity we want to see in our world.
The Multi Dimensional Soul Journey is about 3-Hours long to include discussion of intake experiences and questions or ideas for your True Self to explore, trance state and guidance to a future you or future life, finally integrating into your True Self.
Investment Cost: $295
As in all the various hypnosis and regression sessions I offer, my goal is to assist individuals on their path to wholeness using the tools of the subconscious mind, the higher self and ultimately the integrated totality of who we are, the “True Self.”
The True Self is the alignment of our mind, body, spirit and soul to include our higher self and the collective intelligence, collective consciousness or God Consciousness…the Universal Energy of love and light that we are all one and part of. When we are fully aligned and attuned in all our aspects, then amazing things can occur. The veil parts and just as a radio wave brings us information, we can become that wave and attune to positive guidance, experiences and resources to further guide us on our soul’s journey.
This Session May Be for You:
Something More ...
If you have been on a spiritual journey for some time and still feel led to "something more". such as a particular learning, another mission, purpose, or assignment or to live in a deeper and more meaningfully way. You feel you have come to understand your over all purpose but what are the next steps that a future life can inform you of, to live in a deeper and more meaningful way.
•You want to further understand valuable current and/or past life experiences you have had and use those learnings to experience a possible future you or future life that will give further insight into your current life’s possibilities, talents, gifts and mission.
If you continue to have exceptional intuitive, synchronistic, precognitive and/or psychic experiences and know they are pointing to another level of understanding. These could also be felt as a kind of "divine discontent". What more am I to do now?
A Collective
If you know or sense we are the creator of "time" and sense that we are moving within a kind of unified stream of consciousness with other beings, and can possibly see that "consciousness" as the "collective of all" or Creative Source or God consciousness, and are here to create, love and be our best selves to ourself and other beings.

Post Session Results May Be:
You attain a sense of uniting with a higher energy and frequency of your total self, or your True Self and God Consciousness or the Collective Consciousness of all Universal love and light. It does not mean you will cease to experience your human aspects but will be able to be the observer and recover more quickly with more understanding.
You feel more validated on your life path and/or understand more fully your mission at this time. You attain a compulsion to “do something” or “act upon” something that unites with that frequency of your True Self.
You may become fully attuned and at peace with your current situation and who you are, or you come to understand you may require some new learning, steps and change.